‪The next time Tommy Robinson’s 8 year old daughter is sexually assaulted she won’t make the mistake of doing the right thing and telling her parents, she’ll stay silent‬

“The press will side with an alleged child molester if it means they can use it against Tommy Robinson. The press & the MSM are now pure propaganda “ (Gerard Batten- former UKIP leader)

So today if you looked at the papers you will have noticed that Tommy Robinson has been at it again! Got himself arrested, been in another fight- when will that thug ever learn!?

No turns out the remainstream media aren’t telling you the bigger picture. Turns out that Tommy Robinson’s 8 year old had her bottom grabbed by a middle-aged man at a children’s swimming pool. Turns out Tommy Robinson thus got arrested for ‘restraining’ this man afterwards when Tommy’s daughter pointed him out. Turns out the nonce in question got off jack-free.

Lets be clear Tommy probably didn’t settle at restraining this man, he probably beat the shit out of him as would any sane father. But the fact is middle-aged men are alone at a children’s swimming pool in Center Parcs with no partner or kids and groping random children, and the press could not give a shit.

People’s opinion of Tommy Robinson is now irrelevant because the only person that matters is his 8 year old daughter. She never deserved this.

The media don’t care about her, the police don’t care about her, and now she thinks that if a stranger gropes her and she speaks out- her father gets arrested.

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