Time to Close our Borders and Stop Immigration

Firstly let’s get one thing straight, I am not racist, I am not xenophobic, I am not a white supremacist, I am not a white nationalist, I am not a neo-Nazi, I am not a fascist, I am not a chauvinist, and I am not any of the other possible insulting labels that liberals will try and give me after they read this blog post.

Lets start by looking at some statistics:

At the latest consensus (which was 6 years ago so the figures will now be more exaggerated), the number of immigrants coming to Great Britain was seen to rise by 3 million in the first decade of this century, and there are now more than 3 million households in this country who’s first language spoken is a foreign language. As for in London, only 40% of Londoners now define themselves as white British and white Brits are a minority in 22 of the 33 boroughs (just to be clear I know the race of Brits is irrelevant because anyone can be a native Brit non-immigrant no matter what skin colour they have. I’m just trying to put into perspective how the ‘stereotypical’ British person, i.e. white, is now becoming a minority). At the end of last year net migration was a staggering 335,000! Far from unsustainable. Of course that means the Bliar and Brown Labour government can’t be solely blamed for the unsustainable number of people currently living on this tiny island, the Conservatives as well.


Over the past few years there has been far too much immigration and it is now getting out of hand. Britain is losing its culture and its identity and because of multiculturalism we Brits are now struggling to define who we are. What are British values? Once it was tea, scones, Wimbledon, the Queen, Parliament, our treasured NHS, the justice system, schools, universities, the Beatles, David Beckham. Now all that’s been ‘watered down’ and Britain now stands for political correctness instead. A society where freedom of speech is banned because of the fear that minorities will be offended. To be clear, I personally I think different cultures are fantastic! Travel the world and experience different cultures just like I did: New Zealand, Malaysia, Poland, Stevenage; but don’t bring different cultures here to replace our culture, because that’s what multiculturalism is. Even Angela Merkal, the main face behind the EU’s freedom of movement policy and also with the welcoming of a million Syrian refugees, has admitted that multiculturalism has been a failure.

As for the economy, well you always hear the same argument from liberals all the time that “immigration is good for the economy, immigrants pay more in taxes than they take in benefits”, when in fact immigration does not have much of an impact on the economy. The previous Labour government claimed that immigration contributed £6billion to the economy, but they were not taking GDP per head into account. A study by the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee found that when GDP per head was taken into account, “there was no evidence that immigration provided any significant economic benefit to the existing UK population”. Immigrants themselves are the main economic beneficiaries. As for the argument that immigrants proportionately pay more tax, the same HLEAC report concluded that “the fiscal impact (of immigration) is small compared to GDP and cannot be used to justify large-scale immigration”.

Britain is full and too overcrowded! Again, you get the same argument from liberals; “2/3rds of Britain is countryside there is plenty of room!” What, are immigrants expected to live in fields? There isn’t enough infrastructure, not enough places in schools, not enough hospital beds, not enough social housing. I’ve only been driving a car for two years and I now already see the differences that the extra 750,000 people in Britain since I first started driving my car, have made to extra traffic. Being in a traffic jam in London at 2am is not cool. Of course that means that there is an argument that immigration would be more beneficiary to Britain if more money was contributed to public spending, but that ain’t going to happen with this Conservative government. There is also the fact that 93% of immigrants who move to Britain move to England, making England the 2nd most densely populated nation within the EU.

As for the NHS, there is no denying that the NHS has benefited from immigration massively, but the NHS didn’t have to depend on immigrants. The easy option was chosen, and instead what should have been done was to train more British people as medical staff. 35% of NHS doctors are foreign qualified, compared to 5% in Italy, 10.5% in Germany and 15% in France.

Now before all the lefties pound me for what I’ve so far wrote in this article, lets bring up the obvious fact that the Establishment and the corporate elite benefit massively from immigration because capitalists make extra profit by exploiting immigrant workers with a cheaper wage. But when left-wing media outlets such as Huff Post and the Guardian bang on about the increasing rich-poor divide in Britain, they always fail to highlight that one of the main reasons for this is mass immigration.

Finally i’m going to tell you the main reason I want our borders closed, something personal to me and I assume that none of you liberals will be able to argue against this. After a brain injury left me severely disabled, I now have a speech impediment meaning I can’t talk clearly or loudly. At home in Barnsley, I will confidently talk to any stranger certain that they will be fluent in English and are likely to understand what i’m saying. However with me travelling a lot, spending a lot of time in London, i’m finding it harder to talk to people in general, because more people in general now have a foreign language as their first language. With them communication with me is near enough impossible. There’s nothing more frustrating for me than to try and give directions to a Turkish Uber driver.

I understand that there has been massive benefits to this country from immigration and I understand that there has been times where Great Britain has needed immigrants. I am quarter Polish, my Grandad moved to this country from Poland at a time when immigration was needed after WW2 to help rebuild this country. That was a war in which he fought himself alongside the British allies, and I am proud to say I am quarter Polish and a close descendant of an immigrant. But immigration now needs to stop! I am not saying that immigration needs to stop forever, I am not saying “never let anyone in”. But before we open our borders again, more schools need to be built, more hospitals need to be built, more social housing needs to be constructed and more infrastructure needs to be put in place. Then hopefully by that time, we’ll have fully departed from the bureaucratic EU, and will once again be able to control our own sovereign borders with a sustainable immigration policy.