A 1400 year history of Islam

Throughout this piece I shall outline the 1400 year history of the religion of war and terror, or what we are taught here in the West to be known as the religion of peace. The history of Islam needs to be understood; a history forever themed by fighting and fascism.

610 was the year Prophet Muhammad first starting preaching Islam and at that time Islam was a new peaceful and spiritual religion. This was after Muhammad claimed that revelations were revealed to him by Angel Gabriel. For 12-13 years Muhammad preached in his home town of Mecca trying to recruit followers, but unfortunately he struggled to influence Islam in Mecca; he only persuaded his friends and family.


This meant that Muhammad needed to change his tactics. In 622 he decided to travel from Mecca to Medina with his few followers in order to target the Jews, because whilst at that time Mecca was multi-cultural consisting of Jews, Christians and Pagans (Quraysh tribe), Medina was the Jewish hub of Arabia. Muhammad thought that if he could persuade the Jews in Medina he could then easily return and persuade people in Mecca and the rest of Arabia. The migration by Muhammad from Mecca to Medina is known as The Hijrah.

There was a time when Medina was a Jewish city

To do this Muhammad adopted many aspects from the Old Testament to try and persuade the Jews which is why today you see many similarities between the ideologies of Judaism and Islam. For example, fasting in Yom Kippur and Ramadan, Kosher and Halal meat, circumcision and the pig being a dirty animal. This is why at the beginning of the Qur’an (by the beginning of the Qur’an I mean by in terms of the chapters in chronological order not chapters 1, 2, 3 etc.) you see much praise for people of the book/scripture (Jews).

However unfortunately Muhammad still failed to persuade the Jews in Medina just like he did the people back home in Mecca. This time he snapped and turned violent. Muhammad started killing the people in Medina (a minority of Christians as well as the Jewish majority) because they wouldn’t accept his new religion of Islam. Therefore 622 was the year that Islam transitioned from a spiritual religion into a violent movement. Note that 622; the start of violent Islam, is also the start of the Islamic calendar. The Islamic calendar ignores the first 12 years of Islam when Islam was seen to be a peaceful religion.

The Hijrah was when Prophet Muhammad and his men started using jihad

Now that Islam had turned violent and followers were striving for Allah (jihad), the number of Muslims in Arabia increased expeditiously.
Therefore after the year of The Hijrah, Prophet Muhammad and his rapidly increasing group of Muslim followers colonised that part of Arabia, and Jews and Christians within Medina became the dhimmi (2nd class non-believer citizens within an Islamic community). This meant that Jews and Christians had to then pay jizyah in Medina (a tax for non-Muslims within an Islamic State) unless they were going to convert to Islam. These were the only two options otherwise they would be killed.

As time went on following Muhammad’s death and descending Caliphs ruled the Islamic State in Arabia, the Kuffar (non-believers), in particular people of the book, were seen to suffer more and more oppression. In the 8th century Caliph Umar Ibn Abdal-Aziz brought tighter regulations of the jizyah, and monthly ceremonies would take place where Jews and Christians would have to get on their knees in front of a Muslim crowd and pay their ‘protection tax’.

Paying jizyah meant utter humiliation for the dhimmi

Jews and Christians would also have to wear distinct items in order to be identified differently from Muslims. Umar Ibn Abdal-Aziz made Jews wear yellow stars on a necklace, a tactic copied 1200 years later by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. Hitler was known to base much of his Nazi ideology on that of Prophet Muhammad and his descending caliphs in the latter part of the first millennium. In 8th century Arabia it was law that Jews had to cross over a street in order to avoid walking past a Muslim so that Muslims were not ‘dirtied’ by a passing Jew.

The humiliating oppression of Jews in Nazi Germany was simply history repeating itself

Christians were also as much victims of Islamic fascism than Jews were. In 9th century Arabia caliph Al-Mutawakkil forced Christians to wear a zunnar (a belt) so that they could then be identified. The Pact of Umar contains a long list of prohibitions which oppressed Christians (easily found online); prohibitions that included the building of churches and celebrations of Easter.

From the time of Prophet Muhammad’s fascist rule from 622 through the descending caliphs up to the 11th century, Islam was seen to spread from its starting point in Arabia up through the Middle-East to Southern Europe, across North Africa and Spain and also across Asia. This was all achieved by military conquests and Muslim armies colonising areas over three continents by spreading hate and terror.


It wasn’t until just before the start of the 11th century that the Pope finally said enough is enough. Pope Urban II wanted to stop the Islamic military spreading their ‘religion’ through violent means, so he called out to European Christians and pleaded for them to form an army in order to take back their Holy Land, Jerusalem; having been colonised by Muslim imperialists for 300 years. This was the start of the Crusades.


The Crusades did regain control of the Holy Land, a sacred part of the world previously taken from Christians and Jews, but only for another century. Salah ad-Din Yusuf victoriously led the Muslims into war against the Crusades at the end of the 12th Century, and this meant that the Holy Land remained Muslim territory until Israeli liberation 800 years later in 1967. The halt to the spread of Islam thanks to the Crusades may have only been brief, but difference it made is thought to have made a massive difference to what we now know as contemporary civilisation.

So after Salah ad-Din Yusuf victoriously led an Islamic army in the 12th century, the spread of Islam through North Africa, West Asia and Southern Europe exploded through the use of forcing the dhimmi to pay protection tax in the form of jizyah. This caliphate was the Islamic State and the Islamic State was led by caliphs who were all ‘religious’ successors to the founder of Islam Prophet Muhammad.

The caliphate of the Islamic State reigned by spreading fear and terror throughout most of the 2nd millennium, the only setback they had was on 9/11 in the Battle of Vienna at the end of the 17th century when the Commonwealth and the Holy Roman empire joined forces to defeat the Ottoman Turks.

This is why 9/11 is a significant date in the Islamic calendar. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in 2001 wasn’t carried out on any random day.

The Islamic State caliphate finally ended in 1924, meaning that the Islamic empire had been active for 1302 years ever since Prophet Muhammad first started murdering the kuffar in Medina. Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was the man we need to thank for the ending of the Islamic State. He ended the caliphate when the Ottoman Empire became the independent country of Turkey, and with this transition ‘Western like’ reforms were put in place such as a women’s right to education, a woman’s right to work, a woman’s right to choose her own husband (notice a pattern? It still baffles me as to why feminists sympathise with Islam), and the ban on women wearing a hijab. To this day, Muslims hate Kemal Ataturk and many believe that Ataturk was a secret Jewish agent.

Either way, 1924 was the year that Islam was thought to have ended, and in that 1302 years Islam killed 270 million people. All butchered and killed by the sword.

Unfortunately Islam has since well and truly been resurrected despite the ending of the Islamic State in 1924. The discovery of oil in The Gulf meant that Saudi Arabia and America ultimately became best friends and the world’s biggest oil trading partners. This is why ever since the discovery of oil in The Gulf people in The West have continuously been taught ‘the grand lie’ by the establishment, political elite and the media; ‘the grand lie’ being that Islam is a religion of peace.

Before the discovery of oil in The Gulf, there was no denial of the truth regarding Islam, or ‘Muhammadism’ as it was referred to back then by those in power. For example, Winston Churchill knew the truth after he studied Islam at the end of the 19th century, and Churchill used to warn about the potential danger that the spread of ‘Muhammadism’ would bring. Hitler also knew about Islam and he chose to replicate the caliphate’s treatment of Jews. This is partly what led to Winston Churchill’s success in WW2 because he knew exactly who and what Hitler was replicating in his treatment of the Jews. It was the Islamic caliphate. But of course Churchill was the only man at that time in government who had sufficient knowledge regarding Islam/Muhammadism.


Therefore one could assume that without the discovery of oil in The Gulf Islam wouldn’t be so powerful on the world stage today. America and the West have allowed Islam to be re-born in the 20th century in order to benefit their financial interests. This is why you could ultimately say that ‘the left’ are missing the perfect opportunity to criticise capitalism by sympathising with Islam.

When looking at the world today, we can now see that ISIS (or the ‘so called’ Islamic State as referred to by the BBC) are not new, they have simply been resurrected. The reason ISIS have been growing and succeeding is because people are unaware of the history of Islam.

Now let me point out a concept you should know regarding Islam which I feel is incredibly important:


The doctrine of Taqiyya is simply a law allowing Muslims to lie, and Muslims have historically had to lie in order to protect themselves- in particular Shia Muslims when confronted with Sunni Muslims; lying by denying their faith. However the Law of Taqiyya is also a lie used to spread Islam. A Muslim can literally place his/her hand on the Qur’an and swear that he/she is telling the truth but yet tell a complete lie, knowing that Allah will forgive him/her because the lie being told is for the greater good of Islam. If Muslims are outnumbered by non-Muslims, Muslims can use taqiyya to befriend non-Muslims and thus slaughter them at a later time when the non-Muslims are least expecting it. In other words, Muslims can befriend non-Muslims outwardly but yet they do not inwardly. A summary of taqiyya is when Abu ad-Darda (a close companion of Prophet Muhammad) said “we smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them”.



The best example of taqiyya being used in my opinion is the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, which was a false peace treaty Muslims used whilst lying and deceiving to benefit the causes of Islam. The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah derives from a short time after the Hijrah when Prophet Muhammad had imperialised Medina. At that time Muhammad wanted to travel back and colonise Mecca but his army wasn’t strong enough, so Muhammad signed a 10 year peace treaty; the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, with the Quraysh tribe in Mecca. Then Prophet Muhammad built his Islamic army recruiting members by storming different Arabian tribes and stealing their goods, and then spreading those goods amongst his men. The ‘peace’ Treaty of Hudaybiyyah gave Muhammad time to build a strong enough army to invade Mecca, and after just 2 years of the 10 year treaty Muhammad returned to Mecca catching the Meccans by surprise. Muhammad and his Muslim army butchered the Quraysh people with the sword. By using taqiyya, Prophet Muhammad never actually intended on fulfilling the ten year peace treaty of Hudaybiyyah; he just waited until his army was strong enough to invade the Meccans.

Ever since, taqiyya has been a principle of Islam; Muslim fighters can agree peace with the kuffar before soon catching disbelievers by surprise with an attack. Examples of Prophet Muhammad’s actions regarding the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah have been copied by every caliph ever since Muhammad even right up to this day. Look at peace deals signed by America and Iran for example; the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah is still happening now!

Barack Obama was far too trustworthy of Iran

The best example of taqiyya and a similarity of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah being relevant in modern times is when looking at the failure of the Oslo Accords 1993. The Oslo Accords 1993 was a ten year peace treaty signed by Israel and Palestine. For seven of the ten years this peace treaty remained in place and in that seven years Yasser Arafat; the Palestinian leader, was able to use Israeli and American funds to finance his police and army. In the year 2000 violence erupted in the form of the second intifada breaking the Oslo Accords ten year peace treaty, and this saw mass fatalities of both Israeli and Palestinian people. When Yasser Arafat was asked by state run news channels in Egypt and Lebanon as to why he signed a peace treaty with the enemy in the first place (the Jews), his reply was simply “ahh but remember Hudaybiyyah…” (Yasser Arafat was using taqiyya). Muslims around the world knew exactly what Arafat was referring to, but here in the West it was straight over our heads we had no idea, as it was with the Jews in Israel.

Before I conclude this piece it is important to state that I do not believe all our Muslim friends here in England and the West are ‘pretending’ to be our friends whilst secretly planning to chop our heads off in the future. When Western culture mixes with Islamic culture, the former dilutes the latter and this means that Western Muslims are generally unaware of how evil their ‘religion’ actually is. For example, a typical British Muslim probably does generally believe that his/her ‘religion’ is peaceful, and so do the non-Muslims he/she is educated alongside. However in the Middle-East and the Islamic world Islam is real! There is no such diluted moderate Islam we have here in Europe. To prove this, a PEW research study which I covered in a post last year on my blog found that 77% of Muslims in Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh and Egypt (the five countries in the world with the largest Muslim population) support the idea of sharia law and the return of the Islamic Caliphate. From this we can assume that 77% of people from the five biggest Muslim countries in the world support ISIS. I highly doubt over three quarters of British Muslims support ISIS.

By reading this piece you will have now noticed that I have not been talking about the 1400 year history of the religion of peace, or the 1400 year history of any religion for that matter. I have been talking about the 1400 year history of a violent fascist political movement that disguises itself as a religion. Throughout its existence the only way Islam has been able to spread is by oppressing and killing non-Muslims. When Prophet Muhammad first preached his peaceful religion to the Meccans back in 610 he had his chance to persuade and he failed miserably. After 12 years of failing to spread the peaceful religion of Islam, Muhammad should have given it up as a bad job but instead he punished those who didn’t listen. Unfortunately 1.7billion Muslims today reflect their lives on the life of Prophet Muhammad, and I say that it is unfortunate because in my opinion Prophet Muhammad was a dangerous insane psychopath. If Islam is to carry on existing in a potentially peaceful global civilisation, Islam needs a complete reformation for the first time in its existence. Immediately.


*Influence for this post taken from ex-Muslims Brigette Gabriel and Hamed Abdel-Samad as well as Peter Mcloughlin and Dr Bill Warner