Diane Abbott would not get away with her Controversies if she was White

Diane Abbott has a had a successful career enjoying the luxuries of a middle-class life that is found amongst the political elite. Despite her living with the joys of being a politician, she has based her career on being a voice for the ethnic minorities and a campaigner for race equality. With this has come many controversies, although the extent of the controversies is of course debatable. You may feel that Diane Abbott has been subject to unnecessary negative attention from a right-wing media, after all, the controversies I am about to highlight to you are mainly found in reports from media outlets such as the Telegraph and the Daily Mail. But whilst I highlight Abbott’s mishaps, ask yourself “would a white politician get away with doing that?”

The first naive moment of Abbott’s career I am going to highlight is when she generalised all white people as being the same. She posted a tweet on twitter stating that “white people love to play divide and rule”, with the hashtag “tactics as old as colonialism”. By this she is referring to modern day white people being the same as certain people in colonial times when empires, such as Great Britain, divided and subjected people to their rule depending on their race. This tweet is ludicrous and laughable from Diane Abbott seen as we now live in the 21st century, and people of all races living in Diane Abbott’s country enjoy the freedoms of a democracy. But with that tweet, Abbott generalised all 52 million white people living in Britain as being the same. Or maybe it was all 1.2 billion white people living in the world who love to play divide and rule, she didn’t make it quite clear. However imagine if it was a white politician generalising black people as of loving to play divide and rule, or as of loving to do a ‘more suited’ black stereotype (I’m not going to give an example because the PC will throw the racist card at me, I’m probably already pushing the limit).

Diane Abbott apologised for her tweet, but only because her leader Ed Miliband made her, she wasn’t going to! She got away with it not being forced to resign because she is a black politician generalising white people, not a white politician generalising black people.

The next point I’d like to highlight concerning Diane Abbott’s prejudice against white people is a Labour Party bill board seen in her constituency of Hackney North and Stoke Newington.


This Labour Party billboard was being used in the campaign for re-electing Diane Abbott. Two problems with this billboard. One, The 9 people pictured on the billboard including Diane Abbott are all black (so much for the promotion of diversity and multiculturalism by the Labour Party). Two, the quote on the billboard, “Labour will put BLACK AND ETHNIC FAMILIES FIRST to preserve a diverse nation”. The 9 only black people on the billboard goes completely against the diversity of British people that ethnic minorities, such as Diane Abbott, are known for stressing the importance of. Utter hypocrite! Of course Diane Abbott would argue that this such billboard is only being used in order to appeal to the electorate in Hackney, seen as 65% of people living in Hackney are black or of ethnic minority. However imagine if Gavin Felton, UKIP candidate for Barnsley, campaigned with a billboard picturing 9 white only people. It would get absolutely slaughtered by the left-wing media and liberals on social media. This despite 98% of people living in Barnsley being white. He’d only be appealing to the electorate.

The third highlight of Diane Abbott’s joke of a political career I would like to raise, again concerns her actions on twitter. I’d just like to say that after studying politics for 6 years, this was the first time a politician has actually made me angry with what he/she has said. This issue concerns the three recent terror attacks in Manchester, London Bridge and Finsbury Park; two of those terror attacks carried out by Islamic extremists and one by an Islamophobic extremist. When Abbott took to twitter after the terror attacks by Islamic extremists in Manchester and London Bridge, she highlighted both terror attacks merely as ‘incidents’. However she outlined the attack by an Islamophobic extremist in Finsbury Pack as an actual ‘terrorist attack’. Why were the two attacks in Manchester and London Bridge only ‘incidents’ and the attack in Finsbury Park an actual ‘terrorist attack’ Diane Abbott? I’d like you to imagine a white politician of a right-wing political party, perhaps known for being against immigration, highlighting the attacks in Manchester and London Bridge as ‘terrorist attacks’ but the attack in Finsbury Park merely an ‘incident’. Again, he/she would get absolutely slaughtered by left-wing media and liberals on social media.

Of course I emailed Abbott a few days prior to writing this article to give her the chance to explain why she differentiated the three terrorist attacks. As you might have expected, she didn’t reply!


As you could imagine, the race related controversies seen from Diane Abbot would have been criticised more if it was the other way round with a white politician. Diane Abbott has benefited an incredible amount throughout her political career from the fact that she is black. Ironic that. I am not saying that she gets away with everything, she has often been seen apologising for her actions. But a white politician in her shoes would have been sent to the job centre a very long time ago. It is not only race related issues concerning Diane Abbott’s laughable career, but other mishaps seen from her, for example the hypocrisy seen when she criticised colleagues Tony Bliar and Harriet Harman for sending their kids to private schools. She later sent her own son to a private school. And of course the car crash interview just last month when Abbot got her figures all wrong, her excuse being that she’d been busy and stressed with 6 interviews already that morning (I’d expect her to successfully complete a 1000 interviews in a morning with the money that she earns). This of course led to her stepping down from the shadow cabinet a couple of days later.

I’m surprised a politician prone to controversy like her is able to hold a position as high as on the shadow cabinet in parliament (she’s now returned to the shadow cabinet). Anyone would think that she and her leader Jeremy Corbyn had a special connection like some sort of previous sexual history.

Oh hang on a minute…

To summarise, the ironic fact is the only reason Diane Abbott has not been forced to resign from her numerous positions in parliament is because she is a black female. Political correctness has gone mad, and the essential need to not offend and give priority to the social minorities is wrong, proven by the fact that Diane Abbott gets away with everything that she says and does.

The Media are a Disgrace

The idea of the media is simple; an event happens in the world that we, the ordinary citizens, do not know about, and we thus rely on media outlets to inform us of that event so that we, the ordinary citizens, know what is going on. Simple.

The role that that the media plays in the global political system is somewhat extravagantly huge. And fair enough, whatever is going on in politics and current affairs is the most important and essential thing that people need to know about, more important than sport, celebrities, and people getting filmed having sex in the bushes at Royal Ascot. Therefore ideally, the media would use their power in politics to respectively report current political affairs with complete neutrality; tell us the truth about what’s going on, who’s saying what and who’s doing what, so that then we, the ordinary people, can then use the information given to form our own political opinions.

If only the media could be like that!

Instead newspapers and news channels use their political power to try their absolute best in influencing people’s political opinions to coincide with the opinions they have themselves. The Daily Mail will always criticise Jeremy Corbyn and ‘normally’ have praise for Theresa May, because they would prefer a Conservative government. The Guardian will always criticise Theresa May and ‘normally’ have praise for Jeremy Corbyn, because they would prefer a Labour government. It isn’t as bad with the televised news channels, but despite the BBC for example being supposedly independent from the government, they are hardly independent from the establishment and the political elite.

Media outlets simply ‘have it in’ for certain politicians, certain political parties and certain political activists. Lets look at a few examples starting with Donald Trump, who is perhaps at the biggest war with the media and is doing his best to highlight everything that is wrong with the media. Trump was not supposed to win the American election because it was not in the establishment’s interests. Hillary Clinton was supposed to win the election so that therefore the status quo of global politics could continue; American global dominance with imperialism and neo-colonisation, and a continuing tense rivalry with Russia. The fact that Trump won the election means that the media have done everything in their power to scrutinise every move Donald Trump makes. People on the left are jumping on this bandwagon, and Donald Trump’s numerous ‘controversies’ are now part of common knowledge.

Back home, we can see a similar pattern to that of ‘Donald Trump Vs the Media’ with Jeremy Corbyn and his battle against media scrutiny. The reason both Corbyn and Trump face a ‘bigger’ war against the media is because both of them position themselves far away from the centre on the political spectrum, albeit both on different edges of that spectrum. Therefore both do not fit in to the norm of neo-liberal political-economics that has dominated Western politics since the Reagan-Thatcher years.

The best example of ‘unfair media scrutiny’ against Jeremy Corbyn is the media’s labelling of him as a ‘terrorist sympathiser’. Corbyn is in fact quite the opposite seen as all of his political career has been about the campaign for peace. He has never supported the IRA he has just simply attempted at finding peaceful solutions through dialogue with certain IRA members. It’s the exact same with Hamas; Corbyn has just simply ‘never picked a side’. The media have twisted the story of Corbyn being a peace campaigner so that they could attempt to anger patriotic Brits. They have so far done that well. (I must state that I do not agree with Corbyn’s so called ‘terrorist sympathising’, I think there is always a side to pick, and the fact that he’s British and now wants to be the Prime Minister of Britain means there is surely only one side to pick).

Sticking with Corbyn, you could see extra scrutiny placed on him by the Media just last week when he did not bow for the Queen before her speech. I think it’s hardly a news worthy story someone not bowing for the queen. Big Deal. The right-wing press was all over that one, but when 10,000 football fans from London’s major rival football clubs march peacefully together against Islamic extremism just this weekend, it doesn’t get a second in the news! I think it was pathetic the way the media ‘pounded’ on Jeremy Corbyn for not bowing to the Queen, although again I must state that I did not agree with his ignorance and disrespect. We all know that Corbyn is a republican against the British monarch, but he does want to be the Prime Minister of her country. I’m not much of a loyalist myself. If I saw the Queen in Asda I doubt I’d bow to her, but if I wanted to govern her country I’d show some respect.

Finally when looking at political activists, the same pattern from the media can be seen as is seen in ‘the media Vs Donald Trump and Jeremy Corbyn’ battle, when activists are positioned away from the centre to the edges of the political spectrum. Russell Brand has for some time been calling for a socialist revolution against capitalism and the political establishment. The Media has never given him a chance to have his voice heard, scrutinising him at every opportunity, the Sun for example once ridiculously labelling Russell Brand a hypocrite because he has wealth and can afford to rent a London property. The same can be seen with Tommy Robinson who campaigns against Islam and the effect that the religion has on British society, and again the media never gives him a chance. Only today the Mirror showed an online Video of Robinson fighting at Royal Ascot labelling him a violent thug. After exploring the story further I found that Tommy Robinson retaliated after being physically harassed whilst trying to peacefully leave a potential confrontation and board a bus. Most people retaliate and get into fights now and again, especially when being physically harassed.

As you can see the media pretty much do what they want and they don’t do their job properly, that job being to inform people of news and current affairs without a biased opinion. A ‘free press’ sounds good, it emphasises the freedoms that we have in Western democratic societies. But I think a free press is dangerous and harmful to politics in general. I think the only way to solve this issue would be to have more regulation on the media, but Western governments are unlikely to enforce that with the fear of being seen as having similarities with Stalin like communism.