If President Donald Trump Found a Cure for Cancer, the Mainstream Media would Criticise him for not Finding it Sooner

The freedom of the press should be appreciated throughout the West because it is part of Western democracy and free speech. With a free press there will always be media bias, however the bias the mainstream media have shown when reporting on Donald Trump’s presidential actions have reached a level beyond ridiculousness which can only result in sincere counter-productivity to the democracy of American people.

This week I switched on the news and saw Donald Trump shaking hands with Vladimir Putin at their summit in Helsinki and my immediate reaction was along the lines of “wow what a moment in history, two leaders of staunch rival nation-states; two countries that have hated one another ever since WW2, making friends making allies… what does this mean for the future opportunities of world peace (excited emoji face inserted here)”

Then I saw newspaper headlines from around the world…

The Wall Street Journal over the pond reported on how the Trump-Putin summit was a “national embarrassment” to America and how Trump had “projected weakness”                                           The Daily Mirror here in Britain reported on how Trump ‘backed down’ to Putin and how Trump was in general.. Putin’s bitch. 


Over in Finland the Kauppalehti mocked the gifts that were exchanged between the two Presidents

Coward, traitor, and non-patriotic are the words used to describe Trump in his meeting with Vladimir Putin (non-patriotic? seriously? It was the American patriots who voted Trump into power!). All this because Trump and Putin had a healthy and friendly summit. Its as if critics from the press want America to go to war with Russia rather than be at peace!

Trump and Putin are trying to start off fresh relations between the two countries, relations that have previously involved dangerous high tension ever since former KGB agent Vladimir Putin first came to power. Imagine this; a future bi-polar world order dominated by two nuclear ALLIES of America and Russia, opposite to the bi-polar world order experienced during the Cold War.

Maybe its true that Putin interfered in the American elections, although Putin staunchly denies it. But even if so, was Trump meant to call Putin a liar on global TV? That would have ended any chance of a future relationship between America and Russia, and that would have sufficed even harsher criticism for Trump from the mainstream media.

Trump outlined examples of how America and Russia could work together, for instance on tackling terrorism and sharing future anti-terror information, with Russia having been repeatedly attacked by Islamic extremists for the previous two decades. In 2004 Islamists held 1000 people hostage at a school in North Caucasas, Russia, resulting in more than 300 people dead 186 of which were school children. In 2010, 40 people were killed by suicide bombers on the Moscow underground system, as were on the St Petersburg underground system last year.

If only the mainstream media/Western Islamic sympathisers put more effort into reporting actual news stories like these instead of trying to undermine the democratic American vote.

When the mainstream media reported on the Trump-Putin summit with their inherent determination at smearing Donald Trump, they failed to notice the future opportunities that an American-Russian alliance could bring. Russia could have a major influence on the abandonment of North Korea’s nuclear weapon programme, with Russia being important on the basis of North Korea’s economic survival, but yet having nothing to gain from North Korea’s nuclear weapons.

Trump could also acquire Putin’s help in withdrawing American troops from Syria, as well as Putin potentially being able to convince Iran to withdraw their troops. The exchange would result in Bashar Al Assad remaining in power of Syria, which is more than fair seen as the Syrian people overwhelmingly democratically elected Assad.

The only reason America initially wanted Assad overthrown was to takeover Russia’s pipeline. Fortunately Donald Trump has less interests in American imperialism. Be grateful that Hillary Clinton didn’t win the American election because if she had, she would have carried on her Husband’s legacy and took over Russia’s pipeline, inevitably causing the Russian economy to collapse. Never mind unprecedented levels of tension between America and Russia in another Cold War, Hillary Clinton as American President would mean a nuclear war

Media bias has always been a part of democratic politics with media outlets; newspapers in particular, always aligning to certain political parties or certain sides of the political spectrum. However since Donald Trump became President Media bias has reached a whole new level with constant criticism of every policy Trump carries out and constant smearing by the American press, headed of course by CNN. Fake news. It is not only in America, all British news channels and the vast majority of British newspapers are anti-Trump and now Sky TV no longer have any right-wing news channels on their package after dropping Fox News. So much for democracy.

This news headline is obviously fake and not real, but the joke reflects CNN’s continuous efforts at smearing Donald Trump

In Britain last week thousands of people were out on the streets of London protesting at the arrival of Donald Trump in Britain ahead of a summit with Theresa May. The effort the press went into to cover the story of these anti-Trump protesters was ‘over the top’ to say the least. Live coverage of the protests all day long. Funny how the news channels couldn’t do the same when similar numbers of people from Football Lads Alliance marched in protest of Islamic Extremism, also in London. Not even 30 seconds of coverage on the news for the FLA. It was exactly the same with the Free Tommy Robinson protests THE DAY AFTER the anti-Trump protests, also in London.

As for the anti-Trump protests in London last week, where were they when Saudi Arabian leader Mohammed Bin Salman visited Great Britain this year, a man who governs a regime where women aren’t allowed to leave their house without a male companion and where woman are tortured in prison for removing their hijabs? Where were they when Turkey’s leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Britain in May, a man who imprisons journalists for writing news reports criticising his opinion? Where were they when Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited the UK recently, a man who wants to make himself ‘dictator for life’ by eliminating any future democratic elections in China?

I’ll tell you where they were- they were at home not giving a shit. The only reason these protesters were in London last week was because they’ve jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon, a bandwagon which was made fashionable by hypocrite political commentator Owen Jones, hypocrite Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, and of course the hypocrite mainstream media.

Just look at the result of Donald Trump’s approach to the Korean conflict. Controversial at times yes of course, but look whats happening now; North Korea are set to abandon their nuclear weapons programme, and North and South Korea are going through the process of peace talks for the first time in the history of modern civilisation! Worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize for Donald Trump in my opinion. Before you start laughing, I bet if it was the exact same situation regarding the Korean peace talks 5 years ago with Obama as American President he would have won a Nobel Peace Prize. Yes I know he’s already won one I can’t remember what for though. Because he is black? It surely wasn’t because of the thousands of innocent middle-eastern civilians Obama killed with drone attacks? No? Probably because he is black.

I know that through reading this article it may seem that I am against the freedom of the press. Well I am not. I am not a communist and I am not a fascist, I believe that free press and free speech are both important aspects of a healthy democracy. Even media bias is good, people will favour certain media outlets based on their own political opinions. However I feel that since Donald Trump became President, media bias is no longer restricted to different certain media outlets, whether they be newspapers or news channels. It is instead bias seen throughout the mainstream media and the general press. This needs to change because as the way things are, the free press in which the mainstream media has always embraced is starting to look like the press seen within an authoritarian state-ruled society. Propaganda corrupting people’s political knowledge.