A Re-visit to ‘Syria, Assad and America. The Truth’. Assad didn’t Chemically Attack his own People he had no Reason to

The Syrian war is unique and remarkably bizarre in the fact that the countries and religious movements involved are fighting each other, but yet are supporting one another at the same time. They are enemies and yet share even greater enemies.

America and its Western allies want to overthrow the Syrian Shia government and the best way to do this would be with support from Sunni military groups. i.e. the Syrian Rebels: the Free Syrian Army, ISIS and Al-Nusra. This is because Sunnis and Shias do not like each other they haven’t done so since Islam was formed 1400 years ago. Syria is fighting these Islamist terror groups backed by Russia and Iran. America is also fighting these Islamist terror groups but America supports the Syrian rebels. This means that America is in Syria fighting ISIS, but America also wants ISIS to win because ISIS are also fighting the Syrian government, and America wants the Syrian government to lose.

How confused are you right now!


America wants to imperialise Syria to construct a pipeline which would thus allow America to sell gas to Europe and take away the gas market from Russia. This would essentially cripple Russia’s economy because 80% of Europe’s gas is currently provided by Russia. Syria wants its friend Russia to construct a different pipeline through its territory which would thus maintain European dependence on Russian gas.


Where does religion come into this pipeline conflict?

Well, Sunni Islamist groups are bad, Shia governments not as much so, but Syria’s Shia government needs to be defeated in order to enhance America’s economic power, and the best way for Syria’s Shia government to be defeated is with the support of Sunni militants.

But America and its Western allies still need to be seen opposing Sunni militants of course.


As for the chemical attacks in Syria last week, I think it could be every possibility that Assad DID NOT use chemical weapons and nerve agents on his own people, the very same people whom 89% of voted Assad into power.

I think the chemical weapons would have been more likely to have been used by Syrian rebels, after all, the Syrian rebels are partly made up of ISIS and ISIS have used the banned chemical weapon ‘mustard gas’ before when attacking Kurdish fighters.

This means that blaming Assad for the use of chemical weapons could simply be a set up by America and its friend/enemy ISIS in order to make Assad and his government look bad, and justify military action against his ‘regime’.

I might come across as a conspiracy theorist (that’s because I am), but ask yourself, was it definitely Russia who shot down the Air Malaysia flight back in 2014 or could it have been a joint American-Ukrainian secret operation in order to make Russia look bad. The same goes for the nerve agents used on the Russian man and his daughter in Salisbury, Great Britain last month, and of course the previous chemical attacks in Syria that were assumed to have been carried out by the Assad ‘regime’.

The Syrian rebels have embraced Islamism and Islamic fundamentalism. Surely the rebels are more likely to use chemical weapons. Investigations need to be made properly.

Why would Assad launch a chemical attack on civilians when the end of the war is nigh? ISIS have retreated and Al-Nusra have been defeated, and Donald Trump wants to withdraw American troops from Syria. Assad is winning so why would he decide now to gas his people?

There is also wonder if a chemical attack even happened at all?  Locals have said that it didn’t, and in the video and photographs of the supposed chemical attack there is evidence that the scenarios in which ‘victims’ are being treated by medics are staged.



All you need to know is that the Syrian war is a war on proposed pipelines. America needs to take control of Syrian territory, and in order to do this it has orchestrated a rebellion against Assad’s government along with its allies in Europe and the Middle-East. This rebellion has involved ISIS and Al-Nusra, the types of people who Western liberal democracies are supposed to oppose.


This essentially means that the reason half a million people have died in a war is because America wants to colonise Syria in order to construct a pipeline and sell gas to Europe. As for the chemical attacks, it will be unlikely to ever know for certain who used the chemical weapons, that’s if they were used at all, meaning that you can not assume it was Assad who used them just because that’s what Western media are telling you so.